Athletic Directors and Fine Art Directors;

As we continue to move through the summer and into the fall, please review the following update on form access.  

The  student transfer forms (STF/PAPF) are found in Rank One.  The STF is an online form that parents answer when completing the student profile in Rank One.  A PAPF will be generated in Rank One for the parents to download and complete.  Once completed, the school will upload the PAPF into the student file.  The TAPPS staff will then begin the transfer approval process.

The Medical History Form is an online form which the parents answer when completing the student profile in Rank One.  All students should complete this form annually. The Physical Form is available in Rank One as well for the parents to print and take to their physician. Once completed it can be uploaded in the student file.

Should questions arise, please contact the TAPPS office at info@localhost, or by phone at 254-947-9268.