Our keynote speaker this year will be Taya Kyle, widow of late U.S. Navy SEAL sniper Chris Kyle and author of New York Times bestselling book American Wife. Taya will share her tremendous highs and lows in her unpredictable life as the wife and now widow of an American hero, inspiring others to find light amid darkness in a fallen world. As she articulates the trials and tribulations of love, war, faith and renewal, Taya helps others see they are not alone.
Like many of the Americans Taya has met in her travels, the women and children of Agape are heroes in their own right. Each has an unwavable spirit to persever and conquer fear, abuse, homelessness and poverty. Agape is honored to empower the women and children we nurture and serve to become economically and emotionally stable and move from crisis and homelessness to fulfilling, self-sustaining lives.