Embracing our Challenges
July 9-10, 2020
Spring Music Events 2025
Good morning, Here is the information you have been waiting for! Regional music competitions are coming soon. We have added a sixth location to help with logistics for some. Please look at the options given to see which one fits your schools’ needs. Please fill out...
2025 Dance Championship Final Reminders
Fine Art Directors and Dance Directors: Good morning! We are looking forward to a great event this weekend. Below you will find some “reminders” as the event draws closer. The Dance Championship schedules have been posted and are final. These are posted on the TAPPS...
Baseball and Softball Schedules in TMS
Baseball and Softball Schedules in TMS Athletic Directors and Coaches: With the Baseball and Softball seasons beginning, please make sure that your complete schedules are entered into TMS. Thank you in advance for helping to provide timely information for our schools...