Embracing our Challenges
July 9-10, 2020
Athletic Directors and Coaches: Thank you to all who have contacted the office with corrections for the Tennis Draws. We will correct the draws as information becomes available. Please make note of the following information for all tournaments. Dates: April 15-16,...
2024 Tennis Draws
Athletic Directors and Coaches: The tennis brackets are posted on the Championship Landing page as linked below. The Mixed Doubles brackets will be released once we confirm the last few schools. LINK TO CHAMPIONSHIP TENNIS LANDING PAGE Please take a few moments to...
2024 Mixed Doubles Entry Form
Athletic Directors and Tennis Coaches: The championship tournaments are just a week away and we are working through the brackets as fast as we can. We will once again offer a mixed doubles draw for the 1A-2A-3A days and the 4A-5A-6A days. The first round will be...