Embracing our Challenges
July 9-10, 2020
Concurrent Participation in Activities
Athletic Director, Coaches and Parents: Each year member schools and parents of students attending those schools reach out to our office for clarification regarding concurrent participation in activities. The TAPPS By-Laws are specific in this area in several ways. To...
Victory Rings Celebrating Athletes’ Victories
TAPPS Athletic Directors and Coaches, Championship season is right around the corner and Victory Rings is proud to be the official ring provider for TAPPS! Since kicking off our partnership, we've consistently provided an exceptional product alongside remarkable...
Score Reporting – First reminder
Athletic Directors and Coaches: Thank you to all who have your baseball and softball schedules and scores entered and up to date. If you have not entered your Spring Schedules or are missing any games or results, please catch those up as this email is a reminder to...