The district execu­tive committee shall decide reports of violations concerning eligibility and other violations of the Constitution, By-Laws and Contest Rules that occur within its district.  A person who represents a school involved in a report may not partici­pate in the committee’s decision.


The district executive committee is composed of the superintendents of participant schools competing in the assigned TAPPS playing district.  The super­intendent may designate adminis­trators to represent participant schools on the district executive committee.  The superintendent may appoint an alternate to serve in the event the superintendent or the designated representative cannot attend a meeting.


  1. Organizational Meeting.  The temporary district president shall call a district meeting to organize the district.  Subsequent regular and special business meetings shall be called by the district president as needed or upon the request of a member of the committee.
  2. New District.  In each new district a temporary president shall be appointed by the TAPPS Director.  This temporary president shall serve until the district executive commit­tee elects a president.
  3. Temporary President.  Until a president for the current school year’s district has been elected, the president of the previous district executive committee or the person appointed by the TAPPS Director shall serve as temporary president and be authorized to call meetings of the partici­pant schools.
  4. Vice President.  The district executive committee shall elect a vice president to represent a participant school involved in a matter which would prevent the president from casting a vote.
  5. Vacancies.  In the event a president or vice president has been elected by the committee and becomes for any reason unable to serve, the district executive committee shall elect another president or vice president.  The vice president shall serve in the capacity of acting president until the committee elects a new president.
  6. Failure to create a district executive committee in accordance with the above procedures will result in sanctions against the district and the schools involved.


In accordance with the provisions of the Constitution, a district executive committee may hold meetings.


The president of the district executive committee shall direct the work of the com­mittee pursuant to the TAPPS Con­stitution, By-Laws and Contest Rules.  The business of the committee may be conducted informally.


Each participant school in the assigned district shall have one vote.



In order to take binding actions on items of business, the committee must vote in accordance with the Constitution.



  1. Inquiry Concerning Involvement.  Prior to calling for a vote, the district president shall ask each member if he or she or the participant school represented is involved in the question.
  2. Determination of Involvement.  Involvement in a question shall be determined on a fac­tual, case by case, basis.
  3. Involved Not Entitled to Vote.  A member of the committee shall not be entitled to vote in a case in which he or she or the participant school represented is involved.  This includes the representative from the school:
    1. that is making a report of violation;
    2. that is being charged with a violation;
    3. that the student in quest­ion is leaving; or
    4. that the student in ques­tion is changing to.
  4. Transferal of Case.  If the president determines that fewer than three members of the committee remain entitled to vote in the case, the president may immediately transfer the record of the case to the TAPPS Executive Board for disposition.


In addition to those responsibilities found else­where in the TAPPS Constitution, By-Laws and Contest Rules for a district executive committee, it shall have the following responsibilities:

  1. Enforcement.  The district executive committee shall enforce all rules contained in the TAPPS Constitution, By-Laws and Contest Rules.  This includes assessing a penalty for every rule violation.
  2. Investigations.  The district executive committee shall investigate the eligibility of contestants.
  3. Assist Other Participant Schools.  The district execu­tive committee shall furnish, upon the request of participant schools in the district, a list of eligible players submitted by each participant school.
  4. Disputes; Eligibility Questions.  The district executive committee shall try to settle within the district all disputes and shall decide all questions of eligibility according to the Constitution, By-Laws and Contest Rules.  The district executive commit­tee may, by majority vote, request the TAPPS Executive Board to assume original jur­isdiction of disputes or eligi­bility questions.
  5. Notification of Appeals.  The district executive committee shall make appeals in writing to the president of the TAPPS Executive Board, through the TAPPS Director.
  6. Determination of Tie Breaker Process.  The district execu­tive committee shall determine in writing prior to a con­­­test’s season the method to determine the district repre­sentatives in the event two or more schools are tied in win/loss percentages.
  7. Other Required or Desirable Actions.  The district execut­ive committee shall take such other action that is reasonable, necessary or desirable, and consistent with the TAPPS Constitution, By-Laws and Contest Rules, and the law.
  8. The District Executive Committee shall appoint a representative from the district schools to report the district standings as required by TAPPS in each team sport.


The district executive committee, by majority vote, may subdivide for contest purposes into geographic zones.  The zones of a district shall con­tain an equal number of teams, or as nearly equal as possible.  For example: a 16-team district shall be divided 8-8; a 14-team district shall be divided 8-6 unless by unanimous vote the district wants a 7-7 division.  Districts with fewer than 14 schools shall divide into zones with an equal number of teams, or as nearly equal as poss­ible.


  1. Eligibility Questions.  The district executive committee does not have the authority to vote a student eligible when that student does not meet the requirements of the TAPPS Constitution or By-Laws.
  2. Subdividing into Zones.  The district executive committee may not subdivide into zones for contest purposes according to the size of the schools, previous success, or win/loss records.


The TAPPS Executive Board shall have the authority to reject for post-district competition any participant school or its representative contestant whose district executive committee is found to have failed to comply with any rule of the Constitution, By-Laws and Contest Rules, or the TAPPS Executive Board.