Football Rosters in TMS

Football Rosters in TMS Athletic Directors and Coaches, As we approach the end of the football regular season and look towards the playoffs, our member schools will be meeting to select the all district teams. It is critical that your school has entered all of your...

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Spring Sports and Rank One

Athletic Directors and Coaches, As many of our schools have begun spring sports practices and games we want to give everyone a friendly reminder to make sure that you have everything entered and up to date in Rank One. Thank you to those who have completed those tasks...

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Winter Weather

Athletic Directors: As we approach winter season activities, the possibility of travel and games being impacted by weather increases. Please take a moment to review the TAPPS weather policies as outlined in Section 138 of the TAPPS By-Laws. Temperature In the event...

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Football – Extreme Temperature Guidelines

Athletic Directors and Coaches: In Texas, early fall football practices and games are often conducted in very hot and humid weather conditions. While each school develops their own heat health strategies, the information linked below provides a good knowledge base for...

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Football Clock Operators Training

Football Clock Operators Training Athletic Directors: The football season is just around the corner.  As you prepare for the season, please take a minute to review the Clock Operators Training linked below.  Please make sure to share with those who will be serving as...

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Winter Score Reporting – First reminder

Athletic Directors and Coaches: As the basketball and winter soccer seasons move into their fifth week, we want to remind all AD’s and Coaches of the importance of reporting game schedules and scores. Thank you to all who have your schedules and scores entered and up...

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Athletic Directors and Coaches: With the Baseball and Softball seasons beginning next week, please make sure your schedules are entered into Rank One and that those Schedules are public. Make sure Game Results are also public. Thank you in advance for helping to...

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State Swim Results

Coaches: The Championship landing page linked below has been updated with the final results. Our thanks to all, for three great regional meets and our championship meets. Thank you all for the hard work put into training your athletes and to your student athletes for...

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Athletic Directors and Coaches: Congratulations to all who qualified for the 2023 Tennis championships. We are reviewing all documentation and completing the draws in preparation for the event. We will post the draws as they are completed on the Tennis page linked...

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State Track – Pole Vault UPDATES

Track Coaches & Athletic Directors: The schedule for Pole Vault has been updated, and can be found at the following links Field Events Schedule After review of the regional results and state qualifiers, moving 4A, 5A and 6A Girls to Friday, and 4A, 5A and 6A Boys...

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Athletic Directors: As you look to the start of your fall sports seasons, this is a reminder that all TAPPS member schools must use officials only from chapters approved by TAPPS. All individuals officiating contests involving TAPPS schools must be registered with and...

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TAPPS 2021 “Of the Year” Honors

Athletic and Fine Art Directors: As we approach the end of the TAPPS year, it is time to nominate students and coaches for “Of the Year” honors.  This year we are asking that you complete the forms linked below by May 18.  As soon as judging is complete we will...

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