Severe Weather Considerations

Severe Weather Considerations Administrators, Athletic Directors and Coaches: With this weekend’s weather forecast of possible storms, please take time to review the TAPPS weather concerns and policies outlined below to ensure the safety of your players, coaches and...

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Reporting Schedule-Score-Pitch Count 2023

TAPPS Athletic Directors and Head Baseball Coaches: The spring sports season is beginning this semester. Coaches should be finalizing schedules and entering into the TAPPS data system. Coaches also need to prepare their process for reporting scores and pitch counts....

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Fan Behavior

HEAD ADMINISTRATORS and ATHLETIC DIRECTORS: Fan Behavior is a critical component of providing a positive atmosphere at all TAPPS contests. It is each school’s responsibility to model, teach and expect good sportsmanship from all in attendance. Fans should not be a...

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2020 Cross Country Recap

Athletic Directors and Coaches: Thank you to all who were able to travel to Hewitt and participate in the 2020 Cross Country Championships. We are thankful during this pandemic time that we were able to offer the meets and most thankful to Midway ISD for allowing us...

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Victory Rings Celebrating Athletes’ Victories

TAPPS Athletic Directors and Coaches, Championship season is right around the corner and Victory Rings is proud to be the official ring provider for TAPPS!  Since kicking off our partnership, we've consistently provided an exceptional product alongside remarkable...

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3A Golf Championship Info 4/29/22

Athletic Directors & Golf Coaches: The pairings for Day 1 of the 3A Golf Championships are posted on the golf page of the TAPPS website. Please review those and reach out to our office if you have any questions. We will see you at the coaches meeting at Wildflower...

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Fan Behavior

HEAD ADMINISTRATORS and ATHLETIC DIRECTORS: Fan Behavior is a critical component of providing a positive atmosphere at all TAPPS contests. It is each school’s responsibility to model, teach and expect good sportsmanship from all in attendance. Fans should not be a...

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Health and Safety – Sudden Cardiac Arrest

Administrators and Athletic Directors, Good morning In light of Monday night’s NFL cardiac incident, the TAPPS Office felt that this was a good time to remind our membership of the importance of ensuring the safety of the athletes participating in your programs....

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Athletic Directors and Swim Coaches: Thank you for your patience as we have navigated the possibilities for our 2021 Swim Championships. We began the school year with a firm commitment to offer all of our championship events knowing that the pandemic might change the...

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Tennis Balls and TAPPS 2022

Athletic Directors and Coaches: The regional tennis tournaments are fast approaching as we all know.  At the last minute, our order for tennis balls was canceled by the seller.  We have called around Texas and for that matter much of the southwest to no avail in...

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1A Regional Track- Meet Entry Information

1A Athletic Directors: North and South Region - Meet Entry Information Entries: Entries for the 1A North and South Regional Track Meets will be made in Please make sure that you have an account set up for your school and that  your current...

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Uniforms Compliance

UNIFORMS REMINDER Athletic Directors: As you look to the start of your fall sports seasons, please take time to review the uniform guidelines presented in the TAPPS By-Laws and the playing rules for each sport. (NFHS for soccer and volleyball; NCAA for football) TAPPS...

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