December 5, 2019
Division III – 11 AM
Division II – 3 PM
Division I – 7 PM
Filming and Football – updated information
Athletic Directors and Football Coaches: As an addendum to yesterdays email, please see the reminder below regarding the use of locker room video. Please review the following rules governing filming of games and the TAPPS rules governing the use of film or live...
Enter to Win a BUILT w/Chocolate Milk Commercial-sized Chocolate Milk Cooler
You answered, and Dairy MAX listened! On a recent survey, 87% of TAPPS schools who were surveyed are ALL IN on the benefits of chocolate milk as a recovery beverage for their athletes. But 80% cited budget as a major challenge in providing it for their program. But...
TAPPS Drone Policy
TAPPS Drone Policy Athletic Directors and Coaches: As you make your plans for the coming football and fall soccer seasons, please review the policy outlined below regarding the use of drones in a stadium or over populated areas. Section 138 of the TAPPS By-Laws...