December 5, 2019
Division III – 11 AM
Division II – 3 PM
Division I – 7 PM
Football – Extreme Temperature Guidelines
Athletic Directors and Coaches: In Texas, early fall football practices and games are often conducted in very hot and humid weather conditions. While each school develops their own heat health strategies, the information linked below provides a good knowledge base for...
Eligibility Rosters in Rank One
Athletic Directors and Coaches: As the Fall Seasons begin soon, we need your assistance in entering the student eligibility rosters in Rank One for all activities which participate in interscholastic competition in the Fall. Thank you to all who have begun or...
Athletic Directors and Coaches: With the Volleyball and Fall Soccer seasons beginning next week and Football shortly thereafter, please make sure your schedules are entered into Rank One and that those Schedules are public. Make sure Game Results are also public....