Large Ensemble Entry Information
Good afternoon! What great solo & small ensemble competitions we just had. Now we are looking forward to the Large Ensemble competitions! That being said, we need you to input your entries so we can prepare schedules. IF YOU ARE THE PERSON WHO WILL BE INPUTTING...
Solo & Small Information
Good morning, We are looking forward to this next week of great solo and small ensemble competitions. Information and schedules for each event are going to be posted on the TAPPS website on each of the following pages - Band, Vocal, Orchestra. I am working feverishly...
TAPPS Band Championship Venue
Good afternoon, Here is the information for which you have been patiently waiting. The TAPPS State Band Competition, scheduled for March 25-26, 2024 will be held at the Waco Convention Center this year. Once we ask for your entries, we will let you request which day...