2020 One Act Play Change the Dates

Fine Art Directors and Directors:   The One Act Play distinct competitions are coming upon us quickly.  Thank you to all who continue to work through the pandemic to provide this competitive opportunity for your students.   The Cailloux Theater in Kerrville...

Script Submission Form Due

One Act Play Directors,   Thank you for joining us last week for the District meeting conference calls.  The time was beneficial for planning our season.  You should be connected with your district president and plans for the district meet are underway.  Please let us...

2020 OAP Division III Update

Directors: We have made some alignment changes that will help with our planning. New Districts:  Div 3-1 :  Lubbock All Saints Host CO-DISTRICT PRESIDENT: San Jacinto Christian Academy – Amarillo Terry Lopez CO-DISTRICT PRESIDENT: All Saints Episcopal School – Lubbock...