Football All State Meeting 12/11/24
Athletic Directors and Head Football Coaches, The TAPPS All-State meeting is scheduled for 10:00am on Wednesday, December 11 at the Bellmead Civic Center. There should be a representative from each district in attendance serving on the selection committee. Hospitality...
[Free Webinar] Test Optional – Navigating the Evolving Landscape of the SAT and ACT
Understanding "Test Optional" and navigating the college admissions process is critical. Learn why taking the ACT and/or SAT still helps to get you admitted into the college of your choice and how scholarships are still an important part of your recruiting process....
2023 TAPPS Basketball End of Season Followup
Athletic Directors and Coaches: Congratulations to all on the 2022-23 Basketball seasons which culminated in the Final Four in Waco. With the conclusion of the 2022-23 seasons, please take a few minutes to review the information outlined below. Basketball resources...
Announcement TAPPS-BlueFrame 2021 Contract Extension
TAPPS and BlueFrame Technology Renew Partnership Agreement The Texas Association of Private and Parochial Schools (TAPPS) is proud to announce it has reached an extension of its current partnership with BlueFrame Technology. The extended agreement keeps BlueFrame as...
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Auxiliary Groups at Football Games
Auxiliary Groups at Football Games Athletic Directors, Fine Art Directors and Band Directors: As we approach the beginning of the football playoffs, we want to remind you that a big part of each game revolves around the performance of auxiliary groups. This includes...
2022 Students not yet in High School
Athletic Directors: With the fall sports seasons underway across the state, there have been several questions regarding students not yet in high school participating in high school interscholastic contests. Section 85 of the TAPPS By-Laws applies to both team...
Fuel Your Morning with Protein and Milk
While it remains to be debated which meal is the most important of the day, there is no debating the fact that breakfast is essential for athletes who are looking to perform at their peak. Breakfast not only provides your body with the energy and essential nutrients...
Athletic Directors: With the weather potential in North Texas, travel and games may be impacted. Please take a minute to review the TAPPS weather policies as outlined in Section 138 of the TAPPS By-Laws. Section 138.V Temperature In the event the outside temperature...
Updated Swim Championship Information
Athletic Directors and Coaches: Warmup times and updated Psych sheets have been posted on the Swimming page and clicking on the CHAMPIONSHIP INFORMATION button on Reminder: Group 1 Girls are the schools highlighted on the warmup schedule and can enter the...
2022 Tennis Fan Info
Athletic Directors and Tennis Coaches: Please forward this link to your parents and fans. 2022 Tennis Championship Fan Info If questions arise, please contact the TAPPS office at [email protected] or 254-947-9268. Thank you, TAPPS Office
2022 State Track 4/29/22
Athletic Directors and Coaches: Thank you all for three great days of track and field in both ARLINGTON and WACO. It was so good to see our student athletes compete and our coaches coach. As we prepare for the Championships next week, please review the information...
Enter to Win a BUILT w/Chocolate Milk Commercial-sized Chocolate Milk Cooler
You answered, and Dairy MAX listened! On a recent survey, 87% of TAPPS schools who were surveyed are ALL IN on the benefits of chocolate milk as a recovery beverage for their athletes. But 80% cited budget as a major challenge in providing it for their program. But...
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