Certification of Football Districts

Certification of Football Districts Athletic Directors and Coaches, With our football teams winding up the season this weekend, we look forward to the playoffs. It is critical that our office receive certification of your district standings as soon as possible so that...

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Fuel Your Morning with Protein and Milk

While it remains to be debated which meal is the most important of the day, there is no debating the fact that breakfast is essential for athletes who are looking to perform at their peak. Breakfast not only provides your body with the energy and essential nutrients...

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Athletic Directors and Basketball Coaches: Congratulations to all teams advancing to the 2023 basketball playoffs. Please take a few minutes to review the video below which recaps the governing rules for playoff contests. Please contact the TAPPS office should...

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Cross Country Academic All State 2020

Athletic Directors and Coaches: Thank you to all who participated in the 2020 Cross Country Championships.  Please submit those students who qualify for Academic All State on the form linked below.  The standards are as follows: Junior or Senior Cumulative GPA of 90...

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District Certification – Football

Athletic Directors: If you are the District President for Football, please make sure you have the ability to certify the standings. You will see District Standing Editor in your Quick Links Box on your RankOne homepage once you have been marked as the District...

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Athletic Of The Year Nominations – due 5/13/22

Athletic Directors: Thank you to all who have submitted nominations for Athlete and Coach of the Year.  If you have not already made your nominations, please do so by the close of business Friday, May 13. Coach of the Year Nomination Form Athlete of the Year...

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2023 Soccer Playoffs

Athletic Directors and Soccer Coaches: Congratulations to all teams advancing to the 2023 soccer playoffs. Please take a few minutes to review the video linked below which recaps the governing rules for playoff contests. LINK TO VIDEO LINK TO PLAYOFF CHECKLIST Please...

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Baseball / Softball Playoff Dates Changes

Athletic Directors , Baseball and Softball Coaches: The TAPPS staff continues to work through the schedule for all team sports and the championship venues for each. We look forward to hosting the championships for baseball and softball in one location again in the...

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2021 TAPPS Swim Championships

Athletic Directors and Coaches: As we approach the 2021 TAPPS Swim Championships we have worked through a multitude of possibilities which would allow championship opportunities for our student athletes and their teams.  The championship format will be different for...

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Athletic Directors and Coaches: As we work towards the Regional Track meets next week, please review the following as you make your plans. Regional Meet Information Landing Page REGIONAL TRACK MEET INVOICE Regional Meet Webinar - North Fan Information - North Regional...

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Stop Screening Music For Good With GameTime

Stop Screening Music For Good With GameTime We know you like to play music that gets your fans and players pumped up for gameday. So put the focus back on your players and patrons, instead of on your playlist, and let GameTime do the work for you to ensure every song...

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