December 5, 2019
Division III – 11 AM
Division II – 3 PM
Division I – 7 PM
Fall Sports Score Reporting
Athletic Directors and Coaches: With the Fall Sport seasons beginning, please make sure scores are reported in both RankOne and Scorestream, within 24 hours of conclusion, as required by TAPPS. Standings on the website are pulled from RankOne, if standings are...
2020 Removal From a Contest
Athletic Directors and Coaches: As the seasons begin for 2020, we know all of us will be on our best behavior. However, history has proven that some players and coaches will have their contests shortened prior to their conclusion by either action or choice of words. ...
2020 Football Tackling Certification
Athletic Directors and Coaches: The TAPPS football season is just around the corner. TAPPS continues to require tackling certification for all coaches involved in high school programs. With the addition of the pandemic to the start of the year, the following...