Athletic Directors and Coaches:

As we continue to monitor the weather and its effect upon travel and electricity availability, changes to the basketball and soccer playoffs will be made. The forecasts through Friday are not promising for contests in many areas.  We appreciate the effect that any changes may have on plans, but the current conditions greatly limit possibilities. After consideration, the following amended schedule will be initiated in our path to the championships.

Winter Soccer:

Bi-District February 22
Area February 24
Regional February 27
Semifinal March 2
Championships March 5


District Certification February 23
Bi-District February 25
Area March 2
Regional March 6
Semifinal March 9
Championships March 12-13

Games may be played in advance of the schedule as agreed upon by the schools involved if weather and COVID-19 metrics allow.  Games may not be scheduled past the deadlines shown above.

In working through possible scenarios, we are also confirming host sites and times for the championships. We will announce the championship schedules and dates once all are confirmed.

Thank you in advance to all as we work through the pandemic and weather conditions affecting the Spring 2021 championships.

Bryan Bunselmeyer
Executive Director