TAPPS Fine Art TMS Information

Good Afternoon, As we continue preparations for the 2024-2025 school year, we want to provide you with an update on our new TAPPS Management System (TMS). This program will allow us to both manage our student and director eligibility as well as our TAPPS hosted...

Stay Ready: BUILT with Chocolate Milk

Do you know the benefits of nature’s sports drink? With 13 essential vitamins and nutrients – plus the golden ration of carbs and protein – chocolate milk kicks your workout recovery into overdrive. Click here to learn more

TAPPS – TEaMs Courses for 2024-2025

TEaMs Courses for 2024-2025 The TAPPS TEaMs Courses will once again be required by all head coaches, assistant coaches and sponsors of all TAPPS activities. These courses have been updated and are now available for online access. Individuals who attended TEaMs 101 at...

No Substitute: The Superior Nutrition of Real Milk

Discover why real, dairy milk remains the gold standard in nutrition, offering consistent and essential nutrients that nondairy alternatives just can’t match. Uncover the truth about what’s really in your glass and why real milk’s nutritional benefits are...