November 8, 2023

Thank you for your patience as our Executive Board and staff worked through the alignment process. After submission, all appeals were reviewed by the TAPPS Executive Board in accordance with established procedure published in the TAPPS By-Laws. Upon consideration of all appeals, the Executive Board endorsed the final alignment for the 2024-26 cycle linked below.


With publication of the final alignments, districts should begin to hold their initial planning meetings for the 2024-26 alignment. The temporary district presidents are highlighted in each alignment section. Thank you to all of our temporary district presidents for hosting the initial planning meetings for the coming alignment cycle. Please submit your initial district minutes at the conclusion of your planning meetings. More information on the DEC meetings can be found on the TAPPS website as linked below.

District Executive Committee Landing Page

We look forward to the 2023-24 seasons and championships as we move toward the new 2024-26 alignment. Should questions arise, please contact the TAPPS office.

For the Board,

Bryan Bunselmeyer

Executive Director