by Bryan Bunselmeyer | Sep 13, 2022 | ADMINISTRATION, Athletic Directors, Fine Art Directors, Homepage Updates/Alerts, School Administrators
FOR IMMEDIATE RELEASE: The TAPPS Executive Board proudly announces the appointment of Rodrigo Romo to Place 2 on the TAPPS Executive Board. Rodrigo serves as school administrator, athletic director and a head coach at St. Augustine High School in Laredo, Texas....
by Bryan Bunselmeyer | Sep 13, 2022 | Athletic Directors, Homepage Updates/Alerts, School Administrators, Uncategorized
Good morning In accordance with the TAPPS By-Laws, the Athletic Executive Committee (AEC) selection process has been completed. The AEC met on Monday September 12 to nominate the three (3) at large members for approval by the Executive Board. The Executive...
by Bryan Bunselmeyer | Sep 2, 2022 | Athletic Directors, Homepage Updates/Alerts, School Administrators
Welcome to the newly elected Athletic Executive Committee The election process for the AEC ended earlier this week. Outlined below are the elected nominees who will attend their initial meeting on September 12, and at that time make recommendations to the board...
by Bryan Bunselmeyer | Aug 26, 2022 | Athletic Directors, Fine Art Directors, School Administrators
Administrators, Admissions Staff and Academic Counselors: As we move toward the beginning of the new school year, we wanted to provide a quick overview of TAPPS for your staff. As new students apply and come into our member schools, the admissions and...
by Bryan Bunselmeyer | Aug 26, 2022 | Athletic Directors, Cross Country, Golf, Homepage Updates/Alerts, School Administrators, Team Tennis, Tennis, Track and Field
Athletic Directors: With the fall sports seasons underway across the state, there have been several questions regarding students not yet in high school participating in high school interscholastic contests. Section 85 of the TAPPS By-Laws applies to both team...
by Bryan Bunselmeyer | Aug 26, 2022 | Athletic Directors, Homepage Updates/Alerts, School Administrators, Volleyball
Athletic Directors and Coaches: As we continue into the third week of competition for the 2022 Volleyball Season, please take a minute to review your season to date. With the enhanced emphasis on sportsmanship from the NFHS, in fact it is the first point of...