Get recruited to compete in college

Athletic Directors and Coaches: Please share this with your families who may be interested. TAPPS and NCSA Next College Student Athlete have teamed up to host an exclusive online recruiting class for college-bound athletes interested in competing at the college level....

Team Tennis Showcase

Athletic Directors and Coaches: Thank you to all who have expressed an interest in participating in the 2022 TAPPS Team Tennis Showcase.  The event was originally scheduled to be held at the Waco Regional Tennis Center on October 10, 11 and 12. Those dates were chosen...

Team Tennis Invite

Athletic Directors and Tennis Coaches, TAPPS Team Tennis is being hosted at the Waco Regional Tennis Center on October 10-12. Divisions will compete either on October 10-11 or October 11-12. School entries are being accepted through September 26, 2022. TAPPS 2022 Team...

TAPPSCON22 Session List – 5/25/22

TAPPS Administrators and Staff, The TAPPSCON List of Sessions  document is posted on the TAPPSCON 2022 webpage. The 2022 breakout sessions cover a variety of topics beginning with TAPPS fine arts and athletic activities. Sessions of interest to all include Sports...

Athletic Of The Year Nominations – due 5/13/22

Athletic Directors: Thank you to all who have submitted nominations for Athlete and Coach of the Year.  If you have not already made your nominations, please do so by the close of business Friday, May 13. Coach of the Year Nomination Form Athlete of the Year...