Athletic Directors and Coaches:

In Texas, early fall football practices and games are often conducted in very hot and humid weather conditions. While each school develops their own heat health strategies, the information linked below provides a good knowledge base for staff members to refer to when planning and conducting outdoor activities.

NFHS Learn Heat Illness Prevention

NFHS Heat Handout

Rhabdomyolysis – CDC Info

KSI Heat Stroke Prevention

In addition, the TAPPS By-Laws specify regulations concerning padded and non-padded practices as well as the number of two-a-day practices that may be conducted on consecutive days. Those rules may be reviewed here:

TAPPS Two-A-Day Rules

We wish you all the best as you prepare for the 2024 football season. If questions arise, please contact the TAPPS office at 254-947-9268 or by email at [email protected].