December 5, 2019
Division III – 11 AM
Division II – 3 PM
Division I – 7 PM
FOOTBALL 2021 – Mercy Rule
Athletic Directors and Football Coaches: With week 1 games beginning, we have had several inquiries as to the TAPPS “mercy rule” for football from coaches and officials alike. Please review the following as you prepare for the games ahead and prepare your scoreboard...
7 on 7 update 6/17/2021
Athletic Directors and Football Coaches: The 7 on 7 page has been updated with a list of registered teams and Linemen Challenge Information/Rules. Make sure you bring your signed waivers with you. We still have room for a few more teams. The deadline for registration...
Athletic Directors & Football Coaches, The waiver is now posted on the 7 on 7 page. Everyone will need to fill this out and bring with them for all participants, 7 on 7, Linemen, and Kickers. We will have some available, but is does need a parent signature. 7 on 7...