Removal from Contest

Athletic Directors and Coaches:

As we approach Week 1 of the football season, we want to take a moment to review the provisions of Section 138. Removal from a Contest – Ejections.

In football, in the event a player is removed from the contest, ejected or not allowed to return to the field of play, the minimum suspension shall be the remainder of the game and the first half of the next contest. In all other sports, the player shall serve a full one game suspension at the next scheduled contest shown on the schedule submitted to the TAPPS office prior to the season. Starting with the 2023 season, the student fine has been increased to $100. 

In the event a coach is removed from a contest, the suspension is for the remainder of the game and the next game for football and two games for all other sports. This fine has also been increased to $300. Any coach removed from a contest must exit the facility and is not allowed to be in the facility or in remote contact with the team during the game suspension. A student ejected may remain on the sideline for the game in which he is removed from the contest, but any further penalties assessed to the student will also result in penalties for the head coach. The student may not be on the sideline during the first half of the next contest.

The only appeal of an ejection allowed by the TAPPS By-Laws is an ejection for targeting in football. A school may appeal an ejection based on targeting for review by TAPPS and TASO. That appeal should come to the TAPPS office, not the officials’ chapter.

In the event a coach or player is removed from a contest, the school must report the incident on an Ejection Form located in the coach’s toolkit in Rank One. Ejections must be reported by both TAPPS schools involved in the contest. If a student was removed from the final contest of the 2022 season, then that suspension must be served the first half of the school’s first contest the following year.

Please join TAPPS in our 2023 commitment to Competition with Honor. If questions arise, please contact the TAPPS office at [email protected] or 254-947-9268.