Spring Sports and TMS
Athletic Directors and Coaches,
As many of our schools have begun spring sports practices and games we want to give everyone a friendly reminder to make sure that you have everything entered and up to date in the TAPPS Management System (TMS). Thank you to those who have completed those tasks and are keeping up with coaches, athletes, schedules and scores. For those who have not, please do so immediately as this will serve as a final reminder.
The following need to be entered and up to date in TMS:
COACHING PERSONNEL – The entire coaching staff (head coach and assistants) must be listed in each sport and compliant in TMS. All coaches will need to check the TAPPS Acknowledgement of Rules in their TMS profile and complete the TEaMs Courses before they can begin their coaching assignments whether in practices or games.
After completing the required courses, each coach must go into their profile and link the TEaMs Courses Completion Certificate with their TMS profile. The link below provides step-by-step instructions for accomplishing this task:
Certifying TEaMs Compliance
ELIGIBILITY ROSTERS – Please make sure all students participating in the sport are on the roster in TMS regardless of level of competition (varsity or sub-varsity). Make sure they are eligible before competing in any contest (game or scrimmage).
Below is a link to a Quick Start Guide to send your parents which will give step-by-step instructions for completing their profiles and establishing student eligibility:
TMS Web Quick Start Guide
GAME SCHEDULES – Full season schedules including tournament, non-district and district games must be entered into TMS. Complete instructions for creating game schedules may be found here:
Creating Game Schedules
GAME RESULTS/SCORES – All baseball and softball scores must be reported in TMS for all games, including tournaments within 48 hours of the contest. Complete instructions for reporting scores may be found here:
Entering Scores in TMS
If you have a game that is canceled or postponed, please update your schedule in TMS so that it is not mistaken for a game lacking a score.
Thank you in advance for staying on top of your Coaching Personnel, Eligibility Rosters, Schedules and Scores in TMS for all of your team sports as we advance through the year.
As questions arise, please contact the TAPPS office at [email protected] or by phone at 254-947-9268.