
Please review the website Championship Information Page as we have updated some of the information posted.


Please make note of the following instructions for when you first arrive at the Dance Championships on Tuesday in Temple. 

  1. The Director for each school must first report to Registration Desk located in the Mayborn Center;

  2. There you will review all rosters, verify those in attendance, and pay fees;

  3. Sign a TAPPS Covid form attesting that all attendees have self-screened for Covid and are able to attend;

  4. Receive your wristbands that are good all day for both buildings;

  5. Once this process is completed, your dancers can report to the Mayborn or CAC, based on your schedule of events for the day; and,

  6. Reminder: Wear a Mask

Please follow the above instructions so all attendees will know that everyone has been through the same process.

Thank you

If you have any questions, please contact us at [email protected].