Basketball and Soccer Score Reporting

Basketball and Soccer Score Reporting Athletic Directors and Coaches: As the basketball and winter soccer seasons move into district play, we want to remind all AD’s and Coaches of the importance of reporting game schedules and scores in TMS. Thank you to all who have...

Removal from Contest and Storming the Court/Field

Removal from Contest and Storming the Court/Field As we continue to progress through our winter athletic contests and towards district play, Sportsmanship and Competition with Honor will remain important factors in all of our member schools' athletic programs. We want...

Winter Weather

Athletic Directors: With the weather potential in North Texas, travel and games may be impacted. Please take a minute to review the TAPPS weather policies as outlined in Section 138 of the TAPPS By-Laws. Section 138.V Temperature In the event the outside temperature...

Winter Break

Winter Break Athletic Directors and Coaches: As we approach the winter holidays, we want to remind all of our member school athletic directors and coaches that in accordance with the TAPPS By-Laws, each school shall establish a three (3) day dead period for activities...

Winter Score Reporting – First reminder

Game Schedules and Scores in TMS Athletic Directors and Coaches: As the basketball and winter soccer seasons move into their seventh week, we want to remind all AD’s and Coaches of the importance of reporting game schedules and scores. Thank you to all who have your...

Sign up for the FREE Sports Nutrition Game Plan!

View this email in your browser We want to invite your school to join our FREE sports nutrition program Sports Nutrition Game Plan. We'd love to help you fuel your athletes for the 2025 school year! To register for the program, please follow these instructions: Go...

Soccer Mercy Rule

Athletic Directors and Coaches: The UIL has enacted a “mercy rule” in soccer beginning the 2024-25 season.  At this time, TAPPS has not adopted the rule. In an attempt to avoid confusion when participating in tournaments or matches against UIL schools, the following...

2024-25 Soccer Mercy Rule Update

Athletic Directors and Coaches: The UIL has enacted a “mercy rule” in soccer beginning the 2024-25 season.  At this time, TAPPS has not adopted the rule. In an attempt to avoid confusion when participating in tournaments or matches against UIL schools, the following...


Athletic Directors and Coaches: With the Basketball and Winter Soccer seasons beginning, please make sure that your complete schedules are entered into TMS. Thank you in advance for helping to provide timely information for our schools and fans. Please review your...

Winter Sports TMS Compliance

Winter Sports TMS Compliance Athletic Directors and Basketball / Soccer Coaches: The 2024-25 Basketball and Winter Soccer Seasons begin next week.  The seasons are full of promise and the games await our teams.  We need your help now and throughout the season to make...