by Kelli Bay | Apr 12, 2021 | Athletic Directors, Baseball, Homepage Updates/Alerts
Athletic Directors: If you are the District President for Baseball or Softball please make sure you inform the TAPPS office, so you can be indicated as such in RankOne and have the ability to certify the standings. You will see District Standing Editor in your Quick...
by Kelli Bay | Apr 6, 2021 | Athletic Directors, Baseball, Homepage Updates/Alerts
Baseball Coaches, Scorebird is hosting daily zoom calls from 12:00pm to 1:00pm for the next two weeks beginning April 7. The goal is to provide help with pitch count reporting. Topic: Scorebird Pitch Count Questions Join Zoom Meeting...
by Kelli Bay | Mar 9, 2021 | Athletic Directors, Baseball, Homepage Updates/Alerts
Scorebird-TAPPS Baseball Pitch Count Tracking System The Texas Association of Private and Parochial Schools will be transitioning to the Scorebird pitch count system for baseball. All member schools are required to change from the current submission form to...
by Kelli Bay | Mar 9, 2021 | Athletic Directors, Baseball, Homepage Updates/Alerts, Softball
Athletic Directors and Coaches: With the Spring Sport seasons beginning, please make sure scores are reported in both RankOne and Scorestream, within 24 hours of conclusion, as required by TAPPS. Standings on the website are pulled from RankOne, if standings are...
by Kelli Bay | Feb 9, 2021 | Athletic Directors, Baseball, Homepage Updates/Alerts, Softball, Winter Soccer
Athletic Directors and Coaches: With the changing weather across north Texas, please review the TAPPS weather policy shown below in regards to temperature. If the ambient or indexed temperature is anticipated or below 32 degrees prior to game time, the contests should...
by Kelli Bay | Feb 3, 2021 | Athletic Directors, Baseball, Homepage Updates/Alerts
Athletic Directors and Coaches: Welcome to the 2021 Baseball Season. As we begin the year, please make sure to have your games and schedules in Rank One and Scorestream. The links below are provided if you need assistance in this area. Rank One Instructions...