by Kelli Bay | Jan 10, 2023 | 6 Man Football, Athletic Directors, Baseball, Basketball, Cross Country, Fall Soccer, Field Hockey, Football, Golf, Homepage Updates/Alerts, Lacrosse, Softball, Swim, Tennis, Track and Field, Volleyball, Winter Soccer, Wrestling
TAPPS and NCSA Next College Student Athlete have teamed up to host an exclusive online recruiting class for college-bound athletes interested in competing at the college level. Join NCSA’s Jabari Moore (Director of Regional Recruiting), as he covers what every family...
by Kelli Bay | Jan 4, 2023 | 6 Man Football, Athletic Directors, Baseball, Basketball, Cross Country, Fall Soccer, Field Hockey, Football, Golf, HEALTH, Homepage Updates/Alerts, Lacrosse, School Administrators, Softball, Swim, Tennis, Track and Field, Volleyball, Winter Soccer, Wrestling
Administrators and Athletic Directors, Good morning In light of Monday night’s NFL cardiac incident, the TAPPS Office felt that this was a good time to remind our membership of the importance of ensuring the safety of the athletes participating in your programs....
by Kelli Bay | Nov 14, 2022 | 6 Man Football, Athletic Directors, Baseball, Basketball, Fall Soccer, Football, Homepage Updates/Alerts, Softball, Swim, Tennis, Track and Field, Volleyball, Winter Soccer, Wrestling
Athletic Directors and Coaches: Please share this with your families who may be interested. TAPPS and NCSA Next College Student Athlete have teamed up to host an exclusive online recruiting class for college-bound athletes interested in competing at the college level....
by Bryan Bunselmeyer | Aug 26, 2022 | Athletic Directors, Cross Country, Golf, Homepage Updates/Alerts, School Administrators, Team Tennis, Tennis, Track and Field
Athletic Directors: With the fall sports seasons underway across the state, there have been several questions regarding students not yet in high school participating in high school interscholastic contests. Section 85 of the TAPPS By-Laws applies to both team...
by Kelli Bay | May 25, 2022 | ACADEMICS, ART, Athletic Directors, Band, Baseball, Basketball, Cross Country, Dance, Drumline, ESPORTS, Fall Photo, Fall Soccer, Field Band, Fine Art Directors, Football, Golf, Homepage Updates/Alerts, LD Debate, Marching Band, One Act Play, Robotics, School Administrators, Short Film, Softball, Speech, String Music, Swim, Tennis, Track and Field, Vocal Music, Volleyball, Wrestling
TAPPS Administrators and Staff, The TAPPSCON List of Sessions document is posted on the TAPPSCON 2022 webpage. The 2022 breakout sessions cover a variety of topics beginning with TAPPS fine arts and athletic activities. Sessions of interest to all include Sports...
by Kelli Bay | May 11, 2022 | Athletic Directors, Baseball, Fine Art Directors, Homepage Updates/Alerts, Softball, Track and Field
Athletic Directors and Fine Art Directors Please review the process for entering Academic All State nominations, for all activities. Athletic Directors and Assistant Athletic Directors can submit nominations the AD can give permission to the Head Coach in RankOne if...