by Bryan Bunselmeyer | Aug 11, 2021 | Athletic Directors, Fine Art Directors, Homepage Updates/Alerts, School Administrators
With the beginning of the new school year, TAPPS eligibility standards return to the governance as put forth in the TAPPS Constitution and By-Laws. One of the cornerstones remains students attending TAPPS member schools as “full time day students”. The video linked...
by Kelli Bay | Aug 9, 2021 | ADMINISTRATION, Athletic Directors, Fine Art Directors, Homepage Updates/Alerts, School Administrators
Administrators: As we begin the 2021-22 school and TAPPS year, please review the TAPPS protocols for COVID 19. The protocols are based on current local, state and federal guidelines. The basis for the protocols remains with each school determining the best approach...
by Bryan Bunselmeyer | Jul 27, 2021 | ADMINISTRATION, Athletic Directors, ATHLETICS, Fine Art Directors, FINE ARTS, Homepage Updates/Alerts, School Administrators
Ashley Kelly of Coram Deo Academy – Flower Mound has been selected as the newest member of the TAPPS Executive Board. Mrs. Kelly was elected to Place 3 after serving TAPPS as a member of her District Leadership Committee (DEC) and most recently as a member of the...
by Kelli Bay | Jun 28, 2021 | Athletic Directors, Fine Art Directors, School Administrators
TAPPS Administrators, Directors and Staff, The updated TAPPSCON 2021 Speaker List can be located on the TAPPS Convention Page by clicking the Gold Box labeled List of Presenters. The final schedule and speaker list will be posted as it becomes available. TAPPSCON 2021...
by Kelli Bay | Jun 22, 2021 | Athletic Directors, Fine Art Directors, School Administrators
School is out and it is TIME to Register for TAPPSCON21 July 7-9, 2021 San Antonio – Henry B Gonzalez Convention Center Don’t miss out on Discounted Group Hotel Rates which will EXPIRE tomorrow, June 23! Click Here for Great Rates & Booking Links for 5 Hotels...
by Kelli Bay | Jun 9, 2021 | Homepage Updates/Alerts, School Administrators
School Administrators and Directors, All member schools are required to have students promoted inside the RankOne system. The RankOne staff performs this task working with each school. Those schools that have not yet promoted students need to contact RankOne support ...